Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
First Game

Friday, March 27, 2009
12 Weeks

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I let him choose where he wanted to go today and of course he chose Chuck E Cheese. I have had him on a gluten free diet for 2 years and decided last week to take him off of it. If his ulcers or stomach issues return I will put him back on the diet, but for now I want him to enjoy being a kid and eating what everyone else eats. So...anyways today was the first time having normal pizza that he can remember and he loved it. He had at least 5 pieces and thought it was the best thing he had ever eaten! So far he hasn't had any problems so I hope that continues.

Chuck E Cheese is his little brothers favorite place to go too.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
My First (and last) Airshow

Here are the kids as we waited 2 HOURS to get into the airforce base today for the show. I didn't know the wait was so long or I wouldn't have even gotten out of the car! This was right after a lady pushed me and accused me of cutting into the line (which I was not!) I was actually in shock and didn't even respond. What sort of a person pushes a woman wearing a baby and pushing 2 other kids in a stroller??!! So I walked about 3 miles in the heat and at exactly 2 hours and 25 minutes after getting out of the car we got to the show area. Did I mention I was by myself as well since hubby has to work this weekend? My hubby took Big Man to the last show 2 years ago and all he said was that it was great. He did not mention anything about lines and hours of waiting to get to the show.

This was a cool fighter plane that we got to look inside of. Thankfully baby was great. From the time we left the car until we got back 5 hours later she woke up once to eat and slept the rest of the time. The boys were pretty good as well considering the lines, the sun and crowds. On the bright side I think I am 10 lbs closer to losing the baby weight as I am pretty sure that is about the amount of weight I lost today in sweat! Now I must go find something for my sunburn and go to bed.
Friday, March 20, 2009
I Love Picture People!

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Shame On You
I'm not happy with a DECISION our President is expected to make. How can a man who claims to be a Bible believing Christian feel it is o.k. to force people to kill babies. I hope you go read it, very interesting.
Another Baby


Little Mimi had a great time as well:)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Need More Food

Saturday, March 14, 2009
More Shoes
So today, because the boys still don't have enough shoes, I got them more! But how can you say no when they are free. Desert Surf Company has a coupon out through Tuesday where every day you get $25 worth of free merchandise with NO minimum purchase. If anyone wants one send me a message and I will e-mail it to you. I'm sending hubby back tonight and then hopefully I can get my Mom to go with me again on Monday so I will be getting $100 worth of shoes for free:)
Friday, March 13, 2009
I feel like I am constantly picking up my kids shoes and putting them away. Tonight Big Man was in an organizing mood and organized all of their shoes and then we counted how many pairs they have and no wonder I feel like I am always picking them up because they have 31 pairs! All of the shoes are ones they wear, and my boys definitely love their shoes and have been known to change shoes 3-4 times per day with their different outfit changes that they tend to do. Within one day they can go from dressing like army men to cowboys to baseball players to workers etc... and they have shoes specific for each outfit of course. We don't need to get into how many shirts and pants they have as well...they sure are lucky to have a Grandma that likes to shop and knows how to find the good sales:)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
If I had a camera I would have posted a picture of Big Man reading his first Bob book! He has been on the verge of reading for a while so every month or so I pull out the beginning reader books and have him try to read. Usually he gets through a page and doesn't want to do anymore and I haven't been pushing him. Today, though, he read the entire first book and I only had to help him with one word. Then when hubby came home he read him another book and needed very little help. Little Man wants to feel important too and will pretend to read the book after Big Man and we have to tell him he is doing a great job too:)
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Little League Player

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Almost Like Camping...
We were supposed to go camping this weekend but the campground was full. The kids were bummed so Daddy built a fire so we could still roast hot dogs and marshmallows.

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