Sunday, December 21, 2008

It Worked!!!

The baby is head down now after the version. The entire procedure probably took one minute, but it was an excruciating minute. The babies heart rate stayed the same before, during and after so she did not seem to mind at all. The Dr. said the baby is over 7 pounds, so I'm hoping she doesn't wait too long to come as I want her to be able to wear all of her little clothes! I'm dilated to 1 and 50% effaced and am still having a lot of contractions so you never know...


Lorie said...

I am glad she turned!! And I hope she comes soon...but after Christmas! Unless you don't care, and then I just hope she comes soon!

The Momma said...

I would like after Christmas but before New Years (for purely selfish tax reasons!) The hubby can't take off work until Jan. 6 though, so I'm trying to talk myself (and her) into waiting patiently that long:(

Xandi said...

Wahoo for version working for you! They tried for about 3 mins with me (although it seemed like an eternity) and still nothing. Oh and my best friend visited me yesterday. Damn! Maybe next month!!

Emily said...

Yay Yay Yay! I knew she would come before Kale! I wish that my babies liked to come early. Unfortunately I think that they would stay inside forever if they could:)

Just the Five of Us said...

Yay! Great news!!!!