Friday, December 19, 2008

Daddy's Old

Daddy turned the big 3-0 today! The kids think that is really old. This is how he looked when I met him when he was 14!

I can't believe we have known each other for almost 16 years, that is a really long time! He no longer has the long brown hair, or much hair for that matter but I do think he looks good bald!

Back in those days we would talk on the phone all of the time. I can remember actually being on the phone with him for 8 straight hours one day when I was stuck on the couch with a sprained ankle (that was his fault too!) Now I am lucky if I can get 5 minutes out of him on the phone.

I didn't really believe him when he told me back in high school that we were going to get married, but I'm glad he never gave up on me since I can't imagine being married to anyone else:)


Lorie said...

Now that picture was like a flashback!

Emily said...

Yay Frank is older then me! I thought I was the oldest. Phew. I have 5 more months until my big
3-0 and I am dreading it. Frank seems to be taking it in stride. Good for him

Just the Five of Us said...

Happy Bday to him!!!